Our objectives
Gain an improved understanding of the impacts to water quality within the catchment with tools developed by industry (Farm Environmental Plans) and the Living Water evaluation, prioritisation, and solutions approach. Using these tools, catchment remediations can be implemented where they will benefit most.
Support groups/projects already actively involved with restoration in the catchment to maintain gains from previous restoration effort, while looking for opportunities to expand.
100% of the 38 Fonterra farms within the Mangaotama catchment plus the six highest ranking non-Fonterra farms with fully completed Farm Environment Plans (FEP’s) by the end of the project.

Maintain 30 hectares of planted areas, bringing willow, privet and other weeds under control.

Retire two hectares of farmland, and install 7.9 kilometres of fencing to protect wetlands and riparian areas.

Plant up newly fenced areas with 16,000 plants, creating a buffer of riparian vegetation between farmland and wetland to assist in filtering nutrients, sediment, and pathogens from farm runoff. Extensive planting around wetlands, lakes and streams in the catchment will create a corridor for endemic fauna.

Identify key sources of sediment/ nutrients/ pathogens and where appropriate, install carefully targeted mitigations to help improve water quality throughout the catchment, such as sediment traps and detention bunds.

Engage in wider collaboration with all stakeholders, Iwi Partners, individual landowners, community groups and NGOs actively involved in or adjacent to the Mangaotama.

Unlock regular engagement and involvement in restoration/outdoor education opportunities for Ōhaupō, Ngāhinapōuri, Puahue and Pāterangi Primary Schools.